
Snuff Documents

Page history last edited by Tony Barr 15 years ago

A selection of historical documents on tobacco and snuff. For many of these (marked PDF) you will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to be able to read them.


Behind the Bow Windows (Fribourg & Treyer Booklet) (PDF)

Bibliotheca Nicotiana - A Cataloue of Books about Tobacco (PDF)

The Book of Snuff and Snuff Boxes by Mattoon M. Curtis (PDF)

Brands of US Tobacco Company (PDF)

The British Perfumer (PDF)

Description of the Habits and Product - Snuff (PDF)

Farewell to Tobacco and a Pinch of Snuff (PDF)

A New Age for Snuff? The Lancet, March 1, 1980  (Extract)

Nicotiana Snuff Catalogue (PDF)

An Old Snuff House: Fribourg & Treyer 1720-1920 (PDF)

A Pinch of Snuff - Anecdotes of Snuff Taking by 'Dean Snift' (PDF)

Smokeless Tobacco - IARC Monographs Volume 89 (PDF)

Tobacco from the Grower to the Smoker by Arthur Edmund Tanner (PDF)

United States Tobacco Company: Your Company (PDF)

Wooden Bygones of Smoking and Snuff Taking by Edward H. Pinto (PDF)


Fribourg & Treyer price lists from 1974

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