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North Hull Wargames Club

Page history last edited by Tony Barr 17 years, 10 months ago

North Hull Wargames Club


WW2 gaming is popular at the club and is played in 6mm, 15mm and 20mm scale. Almost every other historical period is played too, often with in-house and as yet unpublished rules.


The Club meets every Saturday and with prior arrangement some Sundays too at the North Hull Community Centre, 37th Avenue, Greenwood Avenue, North Hull Estate, Hull. East Yorkshire, HU6 8AU.


Map link: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=37th+Avenue,+Hull&spn=0.031895,0.103065&iwloc=A&hl=en


You may catch us at one of the Northern shows, we have been putting on display games for a number of years now, our first W.W.II display using our rules being Sheffield Triples '83.


The club publishes Panzer Marsch!, a set of rules for WWII and Long Road North, an ACW rule set.


Games currently played include:


  • 5150
  • Blitzkrieg Commander
  • Fire and Fury - American Civil War
  • Fire & Fury Ancients (club developed rules)
  • Age of Eagles (Fire & Fury Napoleonics)
  • Kaiser Marsch! (WW1 and RCW version of Panzer Marsch!)
  • Long Road North
  • I Ain't Been Shot Mum - by the Too Fat Lardies
  • Panzer Marsch!
  • Pirates!
  • Stargrunt II
  • Warmaster
  • Warmaster Ancients - including variants for the Italian Wars and the English Civil Wars. A Colonial variant is in development.


Club Member's Web Sites





£2.00 per year joining fee plus session fees: £1.00 per session


Mailing List


There is now a mailing list for club members:

Subscribe to HullWargames http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/HullWargames/


Anyone interested in joining the North Hull Wargames Club should sign up to the mailing list and make enquiries there. Alternatively just turn up on a Saturday afternoon and introduce yourself!

Comments (2)

roy1965a@... said

at 10:34 pm on Dec 10, 2010

hi everyone, looking to build a WW2 Soviet army. What scales other than 10mm are COMMONLY used, I will use Blitzkreig Commader rules. My E mail is roy1965a@btinternet.com

roy1965a@... said

at 11:15 pm on Dec 10, 2010

one other question about 10mm figures, do 12mm figures look daft next to them. There are some really nicely detailed 12mm figures and vehicles, much better than the 10mm stuff in my opinion.

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