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Page history last edited by Tony Barr 16 years, 9 months ago



An adaptation of HOTT to WWII rules while retaining the simplicity and spirit of the original rules.


Troop Types

HQ  [Generals] - Divisional Headquarters and Command Center
Heavy Weapons Infantry [Blades]  - Heavy weapons companies  armed with heavy machineguns, mortars, AT rockets, etc.
Infantry  [Warbands] - All reasonably trained regular rifle armed foot soldiers
Shock Infantry [Hordes] - All poorly or partially trained troops that rely weight of numbers rather than firepower to intimidate the enemy; Soviet and Chinese wave tactics
SMG Infantry [ Blades]  - All troops armed with short-range, rapid fire weapons that must get in close to the enemy to bring their firepower to bear.
Engineers [Blades] - All troops trained, primarily, in constructions, demolitions and specialized weapons (flamethrowers etc.)
Recon Infantry [Beasts]  - All troops who's primary role is to seek out and find the enemy, rather than meet the enemy in a firefight
Cavalry [Warbands] - All rifled armed mounted infantry which used mounts to move to the battlefield, but fought on foot; Russian and Polish cavalry.
Super Heavy Tanks [Heroes] -  The later generation large tanks that had exceedingly thick armour and long-range cannons; Tigers, Tiger IIs, Jagdpanthers.
Heavy Tanks [Knights]  -  All large tanks from mid-war onward that were meant to achieve a breakthrough in the enemy line.  Panthers, Fireflys, M4-76s, JS-Is and JS-IIs T-34-80s,etc.
Medium Tanks [Riders]  -  Main line tanks that most armies of the day depended upon.  Tanks capable of Anti-armour warfare as well as Close support for the infantry.  Early heavy tanks from the first years of the war; Matildas, Shermans, Cromwells, Pz-IVs, Pz-IIIs, T-34s,  Char-Bs, Hotchkiss-35s, Sumoa-35s.
Light Tanks [Beasts]  -  All thin armoured, small-caliber cannon or machine-gun armed vehicles that depend on stealth and speed rather than armour for protection.  Armoured Cars and small tanks used for Reconnaissance and scouting rather than infantry support of breakthrough; Comets, Grants, Pz-Is and Pz-IIs, AMRs, Pumas, White Scout Cars etc.
Halftracks [Rider]-  All armoured vehicles used to transport infantry and towed weapons rather than be a fighting-vehicle themselves.
Trucks [Lurkers] - All soft-skinned vehicles that were used primarily to transport troops, supplies and towed weapons.  This includes Bren-gun carriers, jeeps, prime movers etc.  Note although listed as "Lurkers" these vehicles are not restricted to any one terrain feature on the table and may travel anywhere on the board.
Horse [Lurkers] - all wagons, limbers etc. that used horses to carry supplies, troops and towed weapons.  NOT Russian cavalry.  Note although listed as Lurkers these vehicles are not restricted to any one terrain feature on the table and may travel anywhere on the board.
Towed Light Anti-Tank Guns [Shooters] -  All light (under 60mm) towed cannon used as an anti-tank weapon.
Towed Heavy Anti-Tank Guns [Shooters]-  All heavy (over 60mm) towed cannon used as an anti-tank weapon.
Self-Propelled Anti-Tank Vehicles [Behemoth] - All lightly armoured vehicles with large-caliber cannon, used primarily in an anti-tank roll, rather than infantry support; Achilles, Wolverines, Archers etc.
Towed Light Artillery [Artillery] - All light cannon designed to deliver indirect, high-explosive fire.  Only fires in the opposition's fire-phase and only if it did not move or pivot in its previous movement phase.
Self-Propelled Light Artillery [Artillery] - All light cannon designed to deliver indirect, high-explosive fire, mounted on its own tracked vehicle. Only fires on the opposition's fire-phase, but does so regardless as to whether it moved or pivoted in the previous movement phase.
Towed Heavy Artillery [Artillery] - All heavy cannon designed to deliver indirect, high-explosive fire.   Only fires in the opposition's fire-phase and only if it did not move or pivot in its previous movement phase.
Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery [Artillery] - All heavy cannon designed to deliver indirect, high-explosive fire, mounted on its own tracked vehicle. Only fires on the opposition's fire-phase, but does so regardless as to whether it moved or pivoted in the previous movement phase.
Heavy Bomber [God] - All aircraft designed to deliver a large quantity of high-explosive bombs over a wide area; Liberators, Lancasters, Heinkels, etc.
Fighter Bomber  [Dragon] - All medium and dive bombers intended to deliver a high-explosive bomb or armour penetrating missile to a specific point on the ground; Typhoons, Stukas, Mosquitos, etc.
Fighter [Dragon] - All planes that were designed primarily to shoot down other planes; Spitfires, Mustangs, Lightning, Messerschmitts, Focke-Wulfs, etc.
Anti-Aircraft [Magician] -  All ground weapons, including Flak and multi-barreled machine-guns which were designed to bring down enemy planes.
Special Forces [Sneakers]  -  All troops which use stealth to infiltrate and disrupt the enemy;  Commandos, Rangers, Frogmen, Resistance cells etc.
Mines [Lurkers]  - All manner of passive anti-personnel and anti-vehicle explosives, booby-traps and land-mines.  Although labeled "Lurkers" mines do not have to be placed in a terrain feature (although they may be).  Before the game the player may secretly designate any 6" by 3" area on his half of the table as a minefield, for every mine he has purchased.
Landing Craft [Artillery] - All manner of small shallow-draft craft used to transport vehicles and troops from sea-going vessels to shore.


Unit HOTT Equivalent Move Vs. Range AP
Good Bad Road Foot Vehicle Air
HQ General 10" 10" 10" +1* +1* +1* - Free

*HQs add 1 to the die roll when the element it is attached to is in combat.  HQs can move 10" and attach to another element in its command for a cost of 1 PIP.  If the element an HQ is attached to is destroyed roll a d6 for the effect on the HQ:

1,2,3 = no effect HQ moves to closest element in its command

4,5   =  HQ disrupted remove from table for d6 turns, after which it returns to any element in its command.  All actions take 2 PIPS in HQ's absence

6    =  HQ destroyed remove from table permanently.

All actions take 2 PIPS in HQ's absence

Since the Regiments, Brigades, Divisions of the various nationalities vary so much in size we cannot use a d6 as the command roll for all of them. Instead we use a d2 (head=1; tails =2), d4, d6, d8, d10 or d12, depending on the size of the formation, (excluding transport elements - horse, trucks, halftracks etc.) as listed:

formations of 1-6 elements use a d2;

formations of 7-10 elements use a d4;

formations of 11- 14 elements use a d6;

formations of 15-18 elements use a d8;

formations of over 18 elements use a d10.

In addition we can now rate the commanders;  Poor commanders use a die one level lower than called for  [i.e. a d6 becomes a d4]; average commanders use the die, as listed; superior commanders use a die one level greater than called for [i.e. a d10 becomes a d12].


Movement and Factors


HOTT Equivalent Move Vs. Range AP
Good Bad Road Foot Vehicle Air
Super-Heavy Tank Hero 5" 2" 5" +5 +5 D2 6" 4
Heavy Tank Knight 3" 2" 4" +3 +4 D2 5" 2
Medium Tank Rider 5" 2" 5" +3 +3 D2 4" 2
Light Tank Beast 5" 5" 5" +2 +2 D2 4" 2
Horse-drawn * Lurker 2" 2" 4" D0 D0 D0 - 0
Truck * Lurker 4" 2" 6" D1 D1 D2 - 1
Half-track * Rider 5" 2" 5" D3 D4 D2 - 2
Heavy Weapons Blades 2" 2" 2" +5 +3 D2 4" 2
SMG Infantry Blades 3" 3" 3" +5 +3 D3 0" 2
Recon Beasts 4" 4" 3" +3 +4 D4 2" 2
Infantry Warbands 3" 3" 3" +3 +3 D3 2" 2
Shock Infantry Hordes 3" 3" 3" +2 +2 D3 0" 1
Cavalry Warbands 3" 3" 5" +3 +3 D2 2" 3
Engineers Blades 2" 2" 3" +5 +3 D2 0" 2
Towed Light Artillery Artillery 0" 0" 0" +4 +2 D2 6"/12" 2
Towed Heavy Artillery Artillery 0" 0" 0" +6 +2 D2 10"/20" 3
SP Light Artillery Artillery 3" 2" 4" +4 +2 D2 6"/12" 4
SP Heavy Artillery Artillery 3" 2" 4" +6 +2 D2 10"/20" 5
Light AT Gun Shooter 0" 0" 0" +2 +4 D2 4" 2
Heavy AT Gun Shooter 0" 0" 0" +2 +6 D2 6" 3
Self-Propelled AT Behemoth 5" 2" 5" +3 +5 D2 6" 4
Heavy Bomber God 24" 24" 24" +6 +6 D6 0" 4
Fighter Bomber Dragon 24" 24" 24" +2 +6 D4 6" 4
Fighter Dragon 24" 24" 24" +2 +2 +6 6" 4
Anti-Aircraft Magician 0" 0" 0" D1 D1 +4 12" 3
Special Forces Sneakers 3" 3" 4" +4 +3 D3 2" 3
Mines Lurkers - 6" - +2 +2 na 0" 1
Landing Craft Artillery - 3" - D4 D3 D2 - 3


* May carry 1 Infantry/artillery/AT gun
Artillery can fire indirect or at longer range if they have an element from same command in line-of-sight and within 6" of  target.
Engineers may build/destroy bridge on "6"
 D1, D2, D3, D4, D6 = can only be used in defense; attacker cannot be hurt.



+1  If the element is with a general and in close combat or shot at.
+1  If in close combat and either up hill or defending a riverbank (except AIR).
+2  Target being shot at in cover.
+2  Infantry, SMG, Heavy Weapons, Recon, Sp. Force  in close combat while in cover.
+2  Infantry in close combat against cover, with Engineers support.
+2  Infantry in close combat against open with Medium or Heavy tank support (tank may not used ranged fire in such a situation).
-1  For each flank overlapped, and/or each enemy element in contact with flank or rear, or for each 2nd or 3rd element aiding in shooting.


Combat Results


Quick Killed By Quick Kills On
Super-Heavy Tank Destroyed by AT, SP-AT, or Artillery just contacted Otherwise recoil Artillery, Fighter, Fighter, Bomber, Tanks, Trucks, Horses, or SP-AT, AT Gun just contacted SpForces flee 6"
Heavy Tank Destroyed by AT Gun, SP-AT Otherwise recoil Artillery, Fighter, Fighter Bomber, Trucks, Horses, Lt. Tanks, Shock Infantry, Infantry or SP-AT, AT Gun just contacted. SpForces flee 6"
Medium Tank Destroyed in Bad Going Otherwise recoil Art., Fighter, Figh.Bomber Trucks, Horses,Lt Tanks or SP-AT, ATgun just contacted SpForces flee 6"
Light Tank Destroyed by any Tank in contact Otherwise recoil Art., Fighter, Figh.Bomber Trucks, Horses, or SP-AT, ATgun just contacted SpForces flee 6"
Horse-drawn * Destroyed by all Destroyed by all
Truck * Destroyed by all Destroyed by all
Half-track * Destroyed by any Tank in contact Otherwise recoil Art.,Fighter, Figh.Bomber Trucks, Horses, SP-AT, ATguns SpForces flee 6"
Heavy Weapons Destroyed by Infantry or Shock Infantry. Otherwise recoil Artillery, Fighters, Fighter Bombers, Trucks or Horses. Special Forces flee 6"
SMG Infantry Destroyed by Rlf,Shk Inf. Otherwise recoil Art., Fighter, Fight.Bombers Trucks, Horses SpForces flee 6"
Recon Dstryed by Tanks in contact Otherwise recoil Art.Fighter, F.Bomber,Trucks, Horses Destroyed SpForces flee 6"
Infantry Dstryed by Tanks in Good Going Otherwise recoil Hwps,SMG,Shk.Inf. Art.Fighter,  F.Bomber,Trucks, Horses Destroyed SpForces flee 6"
Shock Infantry Dstryed by Tanks in Good Going Otherwise recoil Art.Fighter, F.Bomber,Trucks, Horses Destroyed SpForces flee 6"
Cavalry Dstryed by Tanks in Good Going  Otherwise recoil Hwps,SMG,Shk.Inf. Art.Fighter,  F.Bomb,Trucks, Horses Destroyed SpForces flee 6"
Engineers Destroyed by Rl,.Shk Inf. Otherwise recoil Art.,Fighter, Fight.Bombers Trucks,Horses SpForces flee 6"
Towed Light Artillery Destroyed by any in contact Art., Fighter, Figh.Bomber Trucks, Horses, SpForces flee 6"
Towed Heavy Artillery Destroyed by any in contact Art., Fighter, Figh.Bomber Trucks, Horses, SpForces flee 6"
SP Light Artillery Destroyed by any in contact Art., Fighter, Figh.Bomber Trucks, Horses, SpForces flee 6"
SP Heavy Artillery Destroyed by any in contact Art., Fighter, Figh.Bomber Trucks, Horses, SpForces flee 6"
Light AT Gun Destroyed by any Tank in contact Otherwise recoil Art.,Fighter,  Figh.Bomber Trucks, Horses, SpForces flee 6"
Heavy AT Gun Destroyed by any  Tank in contact Otherwise recoil Art.,Fighter,  Figh.Bomber Trucks, Horses, SpForces flee 6"
Self-Propelled AT Destroyed by Art Fighter,Art., Fight.bomber Otherwise recoil Fighter, Figh.Bomber Trucks, Horses, or Tanks, SP-AT, ATgun just contacted
SpForces flee 6"
Heavy Bomber Destroyed by any Fighter, F.Bomber Otherwise recoil Art.,Fighter, Figh.Bomber Trucks, Horses, SpForces flee 6"
Fighter Bomber Destroyed by any Art., Fighter, Figh.Bomber Trucks, Horses, SpForces flee 6"
Fighter Destroyed by any Art., Fighter, Figh.Bomber Trucks, Horses, SpForces flee 6"
Anti-Aircraft Destroyed by any in contact Fighter, Figh.Bombers Heavy Bombers SpForces flee 6"
Special Forces Flee 6" from all HQ., BaseCamp Other SpForces
Mines Destroyed by all All except Engineers or elements with Engineers in rear-support
Landing Craft    


Optional Rules

(Highly Recommended)



Limited Recoils

Each element is only allowed a limited number of recoils.  Once that limit is reached the element is removed from the table. Conscript = 2 recoils; Regulars = 3 recoils; Veteran = 4 recoils;  Elite are removed upon their 5th recoil.  For points values multiply the base AP value by the number of recoils allowed  (ie. Elite Infantry would be 2 elements x 5 recoils = 10).




Aircraft take only ONE PIP to move



Trucks, horses and halftracks are transports and  can carry one element of Infantry, Artillery or Anti-tank.  There is no cost to disembark - just remove the transport element and replace it with the element stand. Riders cannot disembark while the transport element is in contact with enemy units, however.  While riding in the transport the rider cannot fire or melee and suffers the same fate as the transport when hit.

Embarking is more difficult.  The combat element must not be in contact with any enemy elements.   To embark onto a transport costs each element 1 CP.  Place a transport element on the table and remove the element stand.



In double or triple-sized DBA games if an element or group of elements starts a turn more than 6" away from any enemy ground elements and on a road, it may move at as many march moves as the commander has PIPs to spare.  Infantry units move at regular road speed.   Elements that move via march move cannot make a tactical move at the same time.

Players may want to experiment with instituting flank marches and ambush rules from DBM, as well.


Divisional Organizations


SS Panzer Division HQ + 1x HWps +  2x Infantry + 1x SMG, + 1x Engineer  + 1x Recon  + 1x Lt. Tank +1x Hvy AT gun + 1x Hvy Tank or S.Hvy Tank + 1x Med. Tank + 1x SP Hvy Art., 2x towed Lt Art. + 4x halftracks + 5x trucks 45 AP
Panzer Division HQ + 1x HWps + 3x Infantry + 1x SMG + 1x Engineer + 1x Recon + 1x Lt. Tank +  1x S.Hvy Tank or Hvy Tank +  1x Med Tank + 1x Hvy AT gun + 2x towed Lt. Art + 1x SP Lt. Art.  + 1 SP Hvy Art. + 5x halftracks + 5x trucks 50 AP
Panzergrenadier Division HQ + 1x HWps + 3x Infantry + 1x Engineer + 1x Recon + 1x Lt. Tank + 1x towed Lt.Art. + 1x SP Lt Art. + 1x Hvy ATgun + 1x S.Hvy (or Hvy or Med Tank) + 6x trucks 32 AP (or 32 AP or 30 AP)
Infantry Division HQ + 1x HWps + 2x SMG + 3x Infantry + 1x Engineer + 1x Recon + 1x Lt. Tank + 1x Lt.AT gun + 1x towed Lt. Art. + 2x truck + 2x horse 24 AP
Volksgrenadier Division HQ +1x HWps + 2x SMG + 3x Infantry + 1x Engineer + 1x truck 1x Lt. AT gun + 2x towed Lt. Art. + 3x horse 21 AP
Luftwaffe Field Division HQ + 1x HWps + 3x Infantry + 1x SMG + 1x Engineer + 1x  Lt AT gun + 1x towed Lt. Art. + 4x trucks 20 AP

British and Commonwealth

Armoured Division HQ + 1x Hwps + 4x Infantry + 1x Engineers + 1x Recon + 3 x Lt. Tank + 2x Med.Tank + 1x Hvy Tank + 1x Hvy ATgun + 1x towed Lt. ATgun + 1x SP Hvy Art. + 5x halftrack + 3x truck 47 AP
Infantry Division HQ + , 3x Hwps + 9x Infantry + 1x Engineer + 1x Recon + 1x Lt. Tank + 1x Hvy ATgun + 1x Lt ATgun + 1x towed Lt.Art. +14x trucks + 3x halftrack 67 AP
Airborne Division HQ + 2x HWps + 3x SMG + 3x Infantry + 11x trucks 33 AP


Armour Division HQ + 2x HWps + 2x Infantry + 1x Engineers + 1x Recon + 4x Lt. Tank + 2x Lt ATgun + 2x SP AT + 1x SP Hvy Art. + 2x Med.Tank + 2x trucks + 6x halftracks 53 AP
Infantry Division HQ + 1x Lt. ATgun + 3x HWps + 6x Infantry + 1x Engineer + 1 towed Lt. Art + 12x trucks 36 AP
Airborne Division 2x HWps, 4x SMG + 4x Infantry + 1x Engineer + 11x truck 33 AP

Soviet Union

Infantry Division 2x HWps + 6x Shock Infantry + 1x Hvy ATgun + 1x truck + 2x horses 14 AP
Mechanized Corps HQ + 1x Recon + 1x HWps + 3x Infantry or SMG + 2x Med.Tank + 2x Hvy ATgun +1x Lt. ATgun 1x SP Hvy Art. (or SP Lt Art.) + 8x truck 35 AP (or 34 AP)
Tank Corps HQ + 1x Recon + 1x Hwps + 2x Infantry or SMG + 2x Hvy ATgun + 2x Med.Tank + 2x SP Hvy Art (or SP Lt. Art.)+ 6x truck 34 SP (or 32 AP)

France (1940)

Infantry Division HQ + 1x HWps + 6x Infantry + + 1 Engineer + 1x Recon + 1x Lt.ATgun +1x towed Hvy Art (or towed Lt. Art.) + 2x truck + 2x horse 25 AP (or 24 AP)
Motorized Infantry Division HQ + 2x HWps + 6x Infantry + 1x Recon +1x Engineer + 1x towed Hvy Art (or towed Lt. Art.) + 11x trucks 34 AP (or 33 AP)
Division Legere Mecanique HQ + 1x HWps + 2x Infantry + 1x Recon + 1x Engineer+ 2x Lt. Tank + 1x Med Tank (or Lt.Tank) + 2x towed ATgun + 1x light Artillery, 8x truck 30 AP
Division Cuirassee HQ + 1x Infantry + 1x Med Tank (or Hvy Tank) + 1x Lt. Tank + 1x Lt.ATgun + 1x heavy Artillery + 2x truck 13 AP



Bruce McFarlane, Canadian Wargamers Group

Home Page: http://www.agt.net/public/cwgroup/cwghome.html


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